Monday, December 15, 2008

Josh: Sue Your School System. Seriously.

Oh, that's right, he can't read this.

Agent Pierce, I had a long rant all cued up about how you can't pressure someone to walk into a dangerous situation like this, but then I read Tate's post and accidentally hit the "DELETE" key. Darn.

My God, where do I begin? All I know is that if I had ever, ever, ever written something like that and my mom saw it she would have glared at me until I caught fire.

Incidentally, "PORNOGRAPHIC IMAGE DELETED" would be a pretty good name for an album.

Mary and I are on our way to turn ourselves in to the authorities. We're heading straight back to Georgia via a connecting flight to Japan.

1 comment:

Barbara Vey said...

Josh, re: "Sue your school system. Seriously." I was thinking the same thing when I read that post. The sad part is that I've seen more than my share of posts that are written that way. I'd smack my sons upside their heads if they ever wrote anything that illiterate.