Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mary: Fugitives

October 31, 2008: We're on the road and so far everything is going fine. We've got temps in the high sixties and it's a clear, sunny, Dallas morning, which feels quite odd on Halloween being from Wisconsin. My every childhood memory of Trick or Treating is either being dressed as a ladybug (for the extra, fuzzy stuffing) or as a frostbitten Princess.

Seeing as how the entire past week has been one long Halloween nightmare, I'm hoping we catch a break on the actual day itself.

(below: pumpkin. Josh is driving, but he still found time to make me search for and include this photo. My "education" in classic movie bad guys continues despite my complete apathy.)

JOSH: This is the Death Star. You know Darth Vader?

ME: I work, I'm not a nun. I know who he is.

JOSH: Well, did you know that Star Wars was based on-

ME: Don't care.

JOSH: -A foreign film-

ME: Not interested.

JOSH: -Called "The Hidden Fortress"? It's-

ME: (Pretends to be asleep))

I'd like to post more on the specifics of our journey, but I'll wait until we get word on whether or not the agent from Homeland Security will play ball. I'm doubtful, but my skepticism is tempered by my faith in Mrs. Howland's judgment.

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