Monday, October 20, 2008

Josh: Please Tell Me You're Not Going To Be Titling All Your Posts In Latin

Alright, I can drive down to Racine first thing in the morning (i.e., 11:00AM, grad-student time) and talk to the publishers of the Racine Journal Times. Knowing the fabulous ambiance and atmosphere in Racine, I'll bring along a flak vest and some Lysol.

(At right, a gorgeous view of downtown Racine! Just kidding. Actually, it's a slum in Mumbai, which is far nicer)

As to letting the Private Investigator stay with you... with your personal care worker living-in already it might start getting a bit crowded in there. Not room-wise, necessarily, but just... it worries me to think of all these strangers buzzing around you. Can't you put them up in a hotel instead?

And before you ask/demand: i.e. is short for "id est", Latin for "That is". Origo means "beginning" (root of the word "origin") and Repeto is, I think, "to begin again". Making me decipher Latin and spend time in Racine in the same week qualifies as cruel and unusual punishment.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Josh...I find your writing casual and very funny! I know,regarding the sad incident,it should not be so,but still. You clearly love your mom.